ExcelVite’s Nutritionist CheeYen Lau contributed this article on how palm tocotrienol complex (EVNol SupraBio) supports brain health under various conditions – with research evidence.

Brain Health, Oxidative Stress & Vitamin E

by CheeYen Lau

The brain acts as a control center that regulates the human body’s biological events such as respiration and metabolism processes. When compared to other organs, the brain requires higher amount of oxygen to meet metabolic demands1 but it possesses lower antioxidant capacity. Since the brain contains a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), it is very susceptible to free radical-mediated oxidative stress that affects brain health negatively.2 Therefore, lipid soluble antioxidants such as vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) are crucial to minimize oxidative stress.

Read full article on Natural Products INSIDER website.




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