Protect Your Brain with This Crucial Vitamin

About 90 percent of American men and 96 percent of women don’t get enough vitamin E in their food or supplements. That’s bad news, because new research shows it’s essential for preventing memory loss.

Without this nutrient, the membranes of the brain’s neurons run short of a vital component. The lack of vitamin E has also been linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Click HERE to read more about how vitamin E deficiency may harm your brain.

Related articles on Brain Health :

  1. Brain Health, Oxidative Stress, and Vitamin E Tocotrienol
  2. Vitamin E and Healthy Aging
  3. Study Reveals How One Form Of Natural Vitamin E Protects Brain After Stroke
  4. EVNol™ Supports NeuroProtection By Modulating Microglia Responses
Vitamin E droplet-palm

Vitamin E Complete


Disclaimer: The statements in the above article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.