by admin | Dec 26, 2018 | Tocotrienol
(Natural News) Scientists are discovering more reasons for people to increase their vitamin E intake. Recently, researchers from Monash University Malaysia found that tocotrienol, a certain form of vitamin E extracted from palm oil, significantly improves...
by admin | Dec 7, 2018 | Carotenoids
Introduction Carotenoids are defined as natural pigments synthesized by plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria. Carotenoids belong to a class of molecules consisting of more than 750 naturally occurring yellow, orange, and red pigments that gives color to several...
by admin | Dec 6, 2018 | News, Tocotrienol
案例: 45岁的杨森有家族遗传性糖尿病,加上无节制的饮食丶抽烟丶喝酒及缺乏运动等不良的生活习惯,以致“三高”很快就找上门,他需要长期服药控制病情。 向来自觉记忆力比别人强的杨森最近却老是丢三忘四,有记忆力衰退现像。他以为是熬夜疲劳所致,但是即使有足够的休息,也不见情况改善,而且还出现没什么方向和时间感丶情绪时好时坏的症状。 家人都感觉杨森越来越不对劲,想要建议他去看医生,但是又不确定是什么问题丶该挂哪一科。眼见杨森的情况越来越严重,杨家上下都感到非常懊恼。 发病时毫无症状 “无症状中风(silent...
by admin | Nov 16, 2018 | Sustainability
益效维致力于提供客户最优质的产品,同时确保产品可持续生产。 为了实现可持续性的经营,我们承诺在经济、社会及环境可持续发展之间维持一个的平衡。 管理承诺,政策与治理 “我们了解维持经济、社会及环境可持续发展之间平衡的重要性,因此我们在执行任务时向着实践这三项可持续发展性的目标前进,”- 可持续发展委员会会长,陈经理。 棕油可持续性和益效维的可持续发展承诺 益效维是一家领先和唯一获得药品检验合作计划良好生产规范(PIC/s GMP) 认证的生物制药公司,且利用马来西亚最有价值的天然资源-棕榈果油 (CPO) –...
by admin | Nov 16, 2018 | Sustainability
ExcelVite is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products while simultaneously working to ensure that the products are produced in a sustainable manner. In our effort toward achieving a Sustainable Business, we are committed to maintaining a...