by CM Lai | Jan 3, 2022 | News
A functional food product named Oximata® was commercialized recently under the patent number IDS000002040 granted by the Indonesian Government. Oximata® consists of carotene-rich food ingredients which are red palm oil (EVSpectra™ – Natural red palm oil...
by admin | Feb 26, 2020 | News, Online Articles, Sustainability
Malaysia has been a recognized leader in responsible palm oil production for decades. The country was the first to produce sustainable palm oil, has implemented a game-changing national certification program, and has now committed additional funds to support...
by admin | Jan 14, 2020 | News, Research, Tocotrienol
A novel pathway for tocotrienol-mediated neuroprotection in primary hippocampal neurons was elucidated in a latest study published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences (1). The collaborative study was conducted by a group of researchers from Yale University...
by admin | Dec 11, 2019 | News, Online Articles
西医并没有特别强调脑部保养或“补脑”的需求,不过,随着脑部相关疾病如脑中风和失智症越来越普遍,脑部保养也显得越来越重要。 符芳基(Hoo Fan Kee)副教授脑神经内科顾问大马中风理事会主席 文章来源:医识力 生活作息失衡损脑健康 “随着年龄的增长,我们会因为身体机能退化而出现各种健康问题,而长者最常见的健康问题包括记忆力衰退或失智症丶精神欠佳丶容易疲倦等。 在脑健康和疾病当中,脑中风是长者主要面对的风险。全球每6人就有1人中风,而根据美国中风协会最新数据,每4人当中有1人会中风,由此显示中风越来越普遍。...
by admin | Jan 7, 2019 | News
Article Source: The Sun Daily AN open letter to the Right Honourable Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, United Kingdom. Dear Right Honourable Jeremy Hunt, Warm greetings and we hope your two days stay bring fond memories of our...
by admin | Dec 6, 2018 | News, Tocotrienol
案例: 45岁的杨森有家族遗传性糖尿病,加上无节制的饮食丶抽烟丶喝酒及缺乏运动等不良的生活习惯,以致“三高”很快就找上门,他需要长期服药控制病情。 向来自觉记忆力比别人强的杨森最近却老是丢三忘四,有记忆力衰退现像。他以为是熬夜疲劳所致,但是即使有足够的休息,也不见情况改善,而且还出现没什么方向和时间感丶情绪时好时坏的症状。 家人都感觉杨森越来越不对劲,想要建议他去看医生,但是又不确定是什么问题丶该挂哪一科。眼见杨森的情况越来越严重,杨家上下都感到非常懊恼。 发病时毫无症状 “无症状中风(silent...