by admin | Jan 9, 2018 | Carotenoids, News, Research
Serum β-carotene and α-carotene have been found to be associated in protection from diabetes mellitus (DM) and diabetes retinopathy (DR) respectively, according to a new cross-sectional study published in Current Molecular Medicine. The cross-sectional study conducted...
by admin | Jan 8, 2018 | News
by Palm Oil Health The South China Morning Post featured a frank and enlightening interview with Mah Siew Keong, Malaysia’s minister of plantation industries and commodities. In this feature article, the minister dispelled many of the most pervasive myths about palm...
by admin | Jan 2, 2018 | News, Research, Tocotrienol
文章来源:醫識力。星洲日報 (2017年9月26日) 中风,是全球疾病死亡原因之一,每年有900万名中风幸存者,但同样也有450万人死于中风。虽然先进的医学已经可以减低中风者的死亡率,但中风后的残疾与二度中风的问题却无法避免。 稀血剂产抗药性 根据马来西亚国家中风协会(NASAM)的数据,中风是继心脏病及癌症之后的第三常见死亡原因,每年有5万人中风,也是我国严重残疾的最大原因。 中风,分为出血性和缺血性中风,前者是脑血管爆裂所引起,而后者则是脑血管阻塞,导致血液循环中断所致。...
by admin | Jan 2, 2018 | News, Research, Tocotrienol
文章来源:中国报 (2017年9月8日) 報導:陳筱柔 圖:潘嘉威 維他命E,是你我耳熟能詳的營養關鍵詞。 然而,你也许不知道,作为热门保健品的维他命E,除了已知的抗氧化、提升免疫力等功能,未来也有可能成为中风、保护脑细胞的治疗性元素! 進行維他命E科學研究多年的赞丹森博士(Chandan K. Sen)表示,歷經數十年深入探索維他命E運作機制的研究,近年來取得了令人期待的進展成果,尤其是萃取自棕油維他命E家族分支之一的生育三烯酚 (Tocotrienol),繼完成...
by admin | Nov 13, 2017 | News, Research, Tocotrienol
Tocotrienols Dalam Vitamin E Bisa Turunkan Risiko Stroke (Admin: This post was published in the Indonesian language. Source: INDOPOS) Rabu, 08 November 2017 | 17:58 INDOPOS.CO.ID – Anda berisiko terserang stroke jika memiliki tekanan darah tinggi, kolesterol tinggi,...
by admin | Sep 15, 2017 | News, Research, Tocotrienol
September 13, 2017 By REVATHI MURUGAPPAN Having a stroke can leave you with severe disability. It can strike anyone and affects 15 million people worldwide yearly. You are at risk of getting a stroke if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, atrial...