by admin | Jun 11, 2018 | Online Articles, Research, Tocotrienol
文章来源:植提桥 马来西亚国际医科大学医学系和埃及Menoufia医学院联合进行的一项研究发现,锯棕榈来源的生育三烯酚可作为神经保护剂和抗氧化剂用于脑补血流过少引起的神经衰退。...
by admin | Jun 8, 2018 | Online Articles, Tocotrienol
Nutricosmetics: Opportunities to Meet Modern Health Needs Discerning consumers are demanding unique products backed by supporting science. By Danielle Rose, Contributing Writer, Nutraceuticals World The market for ingestible beauty products has had a few starts and...
by admin | May 16, 2018 | Company News, Online Articles
文章来源:植提桥 新产品:ExcelVite推出全谱维生素E液体和粉末 美国ExcelVite公司日前新推出维生素E原料新品。据该公司声称,新品是目前市场上唯一的无大豆、非转基因、不含过敏原的全谱维生素E产品,含有所有八种构型的维生素E构型。新品目前有液体(EVNol-RP)和固体(EVNolMax-RP)两种剂型,可满足消费者对清洁标签、无过敏原原料的需求。...
by admin | May 3, 2018 | Online Articles
Consumers of all ages seek nutritional support for long-term, sustainable health and wellness. An aging society is having a global impact on attitudes toward health, as more consumers adopt proactive ways to live well, longer. According to a 2017 United Nations report...
by admin | Apr 13, 2018 | Online Articles
Red palm oil has received a lot of interest in the recent years- in a manner similar to that of the coconut oil. A lot of attention has been drawn because of its potential effects on the human health. Palm oil has been in use for a long time, particularly in some...
by admin | Apr 13, 2018 | Online Articles, Research, Tocotrienol
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is nerve damage induced by diabetes and chronically high blood sugar, and affects 26% to 53% of diabetes patients worldwide; 21% to 53% of DPN sufferers experience ongoing neuropathic pain, which decreases their quality of life and...