A functional food product named Oximata® was commercialized recently under the patent number IDS000002040 granted by the Indonesian Government. Oximata® consists of carotene-rich food ingredients which are red palm oil (EVSpectra™ – Natural red palm oil concentrate consisting predominantly of mixed-carotene complex and tocotrienol complex), pumpkin, and dragon fruit. Aside from these, the product also concomitantly contains tocotrienol, tocopherol, lutein, and cucurbitaxanthin.
The cholesterol-lowering ability of this functional food product was studied in mice, which is seen as a preliminary study to the efficacy test. A total of 30 mice with an age of 2-3 months and bodyweight of 20-40 grams were used as the study subjects. The mice were then subdivided into 6 treatment groups and undergo acclimatization for 7-14 days prior to the treatment. During the acclimatization period, hamsfood grains and water were supplied ad libitum (as much) for all treatment groups of mice. Each of the treatment groups was then fed with a different ratio of diet (egg yolk, beta-carotene, and Oximata®), up to 15 days. The cholesterol level of each mouse were being measured on the 0, 7th, and 15th day after 16 hours of fasting. All of the mice were sacrificed on the 15th day.
The results showed that diets with beta-carotene and Oximata® treatment were able to control the increased level of cholesterol on the 7th day. However, they are unable to cope with cholesterol changes up to the 15th day, owing to the high fat composition in hamsfood diet. On the other hand, the increase of creatinine level was prevented in both treatment groups (beta-carotene and Oximata®).
“We believe the positive result was due to the protective effect of the carotenes, which act as antioxidants,” says Dr. Anton Rahmadi, Head Researcher and Formulator of Oximata®.
For the human test, a total of 13 volunteers consist of 8 female and 5 male participated in the study. The positive outcome on blood glucose level after Oximata® administration was being emphasized. Blood glucose reduction was observed by the significant changes in parameters between ‘Test against Pre-test’ as well as ‘Post-test against test’. Based on this observation, Oximata® was proven to have a positive effect on reducing blood sugar levels. In light of these positive results, carotenes are validated to exhibit their functional benefits in the form of functional food.
Oximata® is available as a ready-to-drink emulsion, or a jelly premix that can be consumed after dissolving in hot water.
“A functional food is consumed in the form of food, as part of a varied diet on a regular basis. They are often enhanced with bioactive compounds or ingredients (vitamins and minerals) and are designed for better health beyond basic nutrition. Unlike nutraceuticals and dietary supplements that often exist in the form of extracts or capsules, functional food is welcomed by consumers who experience the ‘pill-fatigue’ phenomenon – in order to continue improving quality of life. Functional food such as Oximata® promotes positive health effects when consumed as part of the daily diet at an efficacious level,” says Ms. KittYin Loke, R&D Nutritionist of ExcelVite.
Anton Rahmadi, Bernatal Saragih, Bohari. (2020). Monograf Oximata Emulsi Labu, Minyak Sawit, dan Buah Naga. Indonesia: IPB Press.
Disclaimer: The statements in the above article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.